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Super Nova Smash!

Super Nova Smash!



  • 游戏分类:娱乐
  • 游戏收费:免费
  • 人气热度:3550
  • 发布时间:2024-01-30 12:59:42
  • 游戏语言:"EN"
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 适用平台:IOS
  • 游戏厂商:Dabble, LLC

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为您推荐: 娱乐 动作 卡牌 娱乐 游戏

Super Nova Smash! is a fast-paced phone & card party game for 2-8 players about racing through the blast of a supernova. The goal is to get rid of your cards before your friends — and do as much damage as you can while you go.

NOTE: This game requires a specific deck of cards to be able to play it. The app without the deck is indeed very attractive, but generally useless. Check out to find out where to get one.

The app is there to tell you when to play, give you random challenges, and generally make your life a panic-inducing nightmare (in a fun way!). The app will randomly assign turn order and occasionally force all players to compete in quick, frantic mini-games on the device — often when they least expect it.

The first person to get rid of all their cards and tap the button in the middle of their screen gets the most \"Space Points\". Rounds typically last about 3-6 minutes, and the player with the most Space Points at the end of 10 rounds wins!

Little tweaks to make things better in iOS 15.



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Super Nova Smash!
